Save your teeth today with root canal treatment!

 "You need a root canal,” says your dentist and you get puffed up with anxiety and worry. This is something that no oral patient wants to hear from their dentist. 

However, these preconceptions are wrong. The fact is root canal treatment is not the reason for your pain - it alleviates pain. 

Most importantly, it saves your teeth, which are at a high risk of getting extracted. 

Root canal therapy is a skilled procedure created to clear an infected tooth. If you need a root canal, it's essential to have it done at a reputation dental clinic by a dentist with good experience in treating root canals.  

The after-care instructions are also important for successful healing. Let's understand the procedure better. 

Procedure for root canal

Root canal therapy can take one or several visits depending on the condition of your infection or inflammation. 

Firstly, your dentist will check your infection’s condition and then you will be given a local anesthetic to numb that area. Following this, a rubber dam will be placed to protect the surrounding area from bacteria. 

 A small opening is made in the tooth to access the root canal. Your dentist clears out the infected pulp and then the root canal is thoroughly cleaned. Next, the empty canal is adequately disinfected. Finally, the canal is filled and sealed. A crown may be placed for additional protection. 

Post root canal therapy tips

  • If your dentist has prescribed any medications, be sure to take them as directed to avoid any reinfection. 

  • If you experience pain for a longer time, contact your dentist immediately. 

  • Follow good oral hygiene tips and clean your teeth and mouth regularly using a soft-bristle toothbrush. 

  • Don't put much pressure on that side of the tooth where the root canal has occurred. 

  • Avoid any hard or chewy food. 

Are you looking for an experienced root canal dentist in Milpitas

Silicon valley dentistry has the solution to your root canal problems. Our dentists are extremely skilled in offering you a comfortable and satisfying root canal procedure. Contact us today for any further queries!


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